Smart Drugs (or nootropics) are substances used to enhance cognitive functions. Exact usage numbers are difficult to ascertain, but a recent study conducted among UBC students found that 1 in 30 students admitted using ADHD medication they were not prescribed, for their cognitive effects. The use of Smart Drugs appears to be gaining momentum in Canada, especially among students and young professionals in high pressure situations, thereby having the potential to turn into a public health issue.
Survey Data
MD Analytics conducts surveys with our healthcare professionals panel on topical issues that you may find interesting. We post our results publicly on our website and share them with our panel members in newsletters. Our survey data is visually displayed in an accompanying infographic that you may share with attribution.
Impact of Diabetes Apps on Blood Glucose Meter Recommendations
Modern Blood Glucose Meter (BGM) devices can often pair with a companion app on a smartphone, which allows patients to easily record and monitor their blood glucose levels over time. This gives the patient, and potentially their doctor, easy to access historical data, insightful charts, and other information that can aid in diabetes management. Research was conducted by MD Analytics to assess whether Canadian GPs are accepting this technology, and if it plays a role in their recommendation of one BGM over another.
Which Pharmaceutical Companies are Seen as Leaders?
Corporate reputation plays an important role in enabling companies to further differentiate their products in highly competitive markets. As a result our team sought to better understand how pharmaceutical manufacturers are currently perceived. After surveying Canadian GPs, we noticed several trends.